Inflammation caused by germs (viruses, bacteria and parasites) can go unnoticed and without symptoms, but also as a serious illness.
The virus causing the infection, the immune system usually eliminated from the body after one to two weeks.Sometimes however, remain in the muscle cell genetic information as nucleic acids (viral genome), which for a long time can cause inflammation to clinical worsening.
If, in addition to the heart muscle affected and the Pericardium, speaks of perimyocarditis.
Typical symptoms are not there. Therefore, it is often difficult to establish the correct diagnosis. Patients with proven myocarditis in 80% of cases, very tired and the stress leads to rapid breathing.
In 50% of patients appears uneven heart rate in a quarter, and even pain in the heart at rest.
As the general symptoms of viral infection in 20-80% of cases reported fever, chills and muscle aches.
Younger patients often suffer from chest pain, lack of energy and fatigue.
Fortunately there are rare cases dramatically rapid developing severe heart failure (HF) in patients with acute myocarditis.
In the worst case can lead to severe inflammation of the heart muscle to shock and death due to the scheduling of the heart.
Diagnosis is based on non-specific disturbances that are associated with gripalnom infection or other infectious diseases, mostly accompanied by fever.
To confirm the diagnostic is used to biopsy (molecular probe analysis of the heart muscle tissue). Unfortunately, they rarely use this diagnostic method leads to fewer diagnosis of myocarditis than the actual number of infections.
The combination of various methods may still lead to safe diagnosis without biopsy. These include ECG, echocardiography, ulatrazvuk and other methods.
Inflammation of the heart muscle is often not diagnosed, because when gripalne infection of the heart does not pay attention.
Undetected myocarditis can cause major problems when the patient is exposed to disease during heavy physical activity or is engaged in intense sports.
Younger people suddenly during sports die, in 10% of cases the cause of death was myocarditis.
About a third of patients after the disease is fully recovered, the remaining third of the following minor or major effects on heart function, and the last third comes to a serious deterioration of the heart.
In some cases even required, and heart transplants.
Rest, avoidance of heavy physical activity, sport, alcohol and nicotine are the most mild form of myocarditis.Should be kept as long as by doctors, based on the clinical recommendations do not come for sustained activation.
If myocarditis is caused by weakening of the heart muscle and the expansion chamber and the time to diagnosis of heart failure (heart failure), using the usual drug therapy.
In particular the development of severe disease, are used (in special medical centers) and other types of therapy such as immunosuppressive therapy, inerferon, imonoglobulini, possibly a heart transplant.
If germs are the cause of myocarditis, and of course use the drugs that act specifically against them.
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