Arteries are muscular-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body. If you are healthy, their inner walls with a smooth and flexible enough to adapt to changes in the final blood pressure, and blood passes through them freely. However, sometimes occur on the inner wall of the fatty streak, most likely due to pressure on places where the arteries branch or where the wall is slightly damaged. Fatty streak grows more and more damage artery walls and eventually can turn into a hard mass of adipose tissue, which damages the wall, reducing the elasticity of arteries, narrowing the vessel and obstructs blood circulation. Adipose tissue is known as atheroma, atheroma large masses called plates, and the name of the disorder is atherosclerosis, which literally means "hardening of the atheroma." Atherosclerosis is an important factor that contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis
Almost no symptoms until damage appears greater. When symptoms develop, usually after many years, this happens because the body is not circulation, and symptoms depend on which part is damaged. Thus, for example. You only have cramps in my legs after exercise, but you can infest and stroke, kidney failure, angina pectoris, or heart attack.
The incidence of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is common in the West. There are many cases without symptoms and therefore do not have exact figures, but during the autopsy of people killed in traffic accidents revealed that the degree of the disorder is almost universal, especially among men. Atherosclerosis affects children. This is because atherosclerosis is associated with high fat and cholesterol in the bloodstream. Most people in the West eat a lot of fatty foods or foods rich in cholesterol, for example. meat, butter and eggs, which is probably the main cause of the incidence of atherosclerosis.
If you are a man of any age or women over 35 years, with much to eat fatty foods, more likely to get atherosclerosis, and if you smoke, if you have any kidney disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. Of course, atherosclerosis worsens with age.
The dangers of atherosclerosis
Severe atherosclerosis can exist without obvious bad consequences. Many parts of the body is not supplied with blood only a particular artery and its branches, but the lower branches of adjacent arteries: one need not be affected even though the main supply channel severely damaged. When the blood supply from the main artery runs dry, the other arteries can sometimes compensate for the shortfall, so to expand, and the total blood supply, and almost not at risk. And for some body tissues that rely on blood supply from an artery no bad consequences, even though the channel is significantly reduced, because the normal blood supply usually exceeds the actual need.
Therefore, damage from atherosclerosis may be small for years, but no. However, it is likely that the narrowing of arteries due to the occurrence of one part of the body panels, depending on the artery or one of its branches, will remain without a final blood. If this occurs in the coronary arteries that supply the heart, there is a risk of angina pectoris or heart attack. If you are affected by cerebral arteries (those supplying the brain) can lead to stroke. It is possible to damage the kidneys, causing kidney failure or dry gangrene in the hand or foot.
What to do?
Do not wait until symptoms develop. Symptoms are a sign of consequences and unpleasant consequences occur as the disease progressed for years. Suppose now that you and your children at risk and that risk may be higher if one of your neighbors' relatives have a heart disease or suffered a stroke. Now, should take measures of self-help which I have recommended below. They will help you to prevent or slow the development of atherosclerosis.
Scientific studies show that the fatty streak on the inner artery wall may seem to disappear, but nothing can be done when it has created the panel. After some time in the development of atherosclerosis is a thorough treatment can reduce the possibility of another attack, but the disorder can progress to the stage where nothing can prevent a heart attack. This does not mean you have to ask the doctor to immediately conduct a search to determine if you already have atherosclerosis. These results are complex and expensive, a self-help measures would have to satisfy almost everyone.
However, consult your doctor if you are in your family there is someone with the disorder of the heart or blood flow, if you know someone from your immediate family has a high content of fat in the blood or if you suffer from diabetes. If so, then it is justified to consider the possibility of diagnostic tests to determine drug therapy.
Doctors will tell you to perform a search of cholesterol in the blood (before the results may not eat for several hours). In addition you will obviously have to control blood pressure, may be required and other tests, eg.chest x-ray to determine heart size or detection of calcium deposits in places where it is suspected to atherosclerosis, then an electrocardiogram (EKG) and arteriogram.
Treatment of atherosclerosis
Self-help: Since the development of a severe form of arteriosclerosis associated with the content of cholesterol in the blood, reduce the intake of animal fats and other saturated (dairy) fat. Eat poultry and fish instead of pork, beef and lamb. Remove the fat from the meat and bake it rather than fry on the grill. Because your egg meets almost the entire daily amount of cholesterol, limit the amount of eggs to 3 per week. Avoid creams and sweets; use margarine, which has a high content of polyunsaturated fats instead of butter, eat more fruits and vegetables, cooking oil, use the label "high in polyunsaturated fat," for example. seed and sunflower oil, not oil labeled "vegetable oil" without further explanation.
There is no clear link between obesity and smoking and atherosclerosis. No. obese people and heavy smokers as they are known as particularly sensitive to disturbances that most of them caused by atherosclerosis. So be sensible. Stop smoking, even if it were not overweight because you are at the risk of lung cancer. If you have to do that even obese, dieting to lose weight that you use to get rid of excess fat.
Finally, regular physical activity. Moderate physical activity can prevent the development of atherosclerosis and reduce the possibility of its serious consequences. But do not overdo it. Consult your doctor if you think that you could harm the physical activity.
Professional help: the doctor will help you by controlling your blood pressure and healing you from hypertension, if necessary. If you have an abnormally high content of cholesterol in your blood, your doctor may prescribe a means to reduce it if you take it regularly (well, some of these assets cause side effects, for example. Slightly increased risk of gallbladder disease).
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