Monday, March 12, 2012

Angina pectoris, definition, causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Stable angina pectoris

Pain or discomfort in the chest or near the chest caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of angina pectoris. Deposits on the inner walls of the coronary arteries prevent a sufficient amount of blood flow to the heart muscle.
Activities or situations that require increased blood flow to the heart (exercise, heavier meals, stress) can cause angina pectoris. Less common causes of angina pectoris as spasm (contraction) of coronary arteries (Prinzmetal angina), heart valve diseases, heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms. The disease is more common in men.Risk factors include: smoking, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), the occurrence of coronary heart disease in the family, lack of physical activity, and increased body weight (30% higher than the ideal).
The disease occurs in a population with a frequency of about 3 percent.

pain or discomfort in the chest or near the chest under the sternum can be spread to the shoulder, arm, jaw, neck, back or other areas, and is often described as tightness, pressure, pressure, burning, choking, pain;
pain is not exactly localized;
the pain may occur at rest;
pain is usually short in duration from 1 to 15 minutes;
aches usually go away with rest and / or nitroglycerin.

Pain that does not stop after 3 nitroglycerin tablets, taken at intervals of 5 minutes and lasts longer than 15 minutes, before it associated with heart attack but with angina.

Examination may show changes in blood pressure. There may be transient heart murmur or arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).
Changes in ECG during the endurance test (ergometry) confirmed the diagnosis of angina.
Some patients need to do CT or angiography images of the heart.
At the heart damage during long episodes of chest pain show increased values ​​of cardiac enzymes (CPK).

The goals of treatment are to reduce symptoms and prevent complications.
During an attack of angina pectoris recommended bed rest.

Nitroglycerin under the tongue affects the disappearance of pain during the attack.
Preventive treatment of nitroglycerin, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists and aspirin can help prevent angina pectoris.
Some patients need to prescribe medication to control cholesterol, blood pressure and disturbed heart rhythm.
Recommended cardiac rehabilitation programs to improve cardiovascular capacity.
In some patients required surgical treatment: the incorporation aorto-coronary bypass (engl. by-pass) or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

Symptoms of angina usually improves treatment. The mortality rate varies and depends on many factors. There may be a sudden death, myocardial infarction or unstable angina.

unstable angina
acute myocardial infarction
Sudden death caused by lethal arrhythmias
Seeking medical treatment
Call the doctor if you develop chest pain is unknown, if you change the properties of angina attacks, frequency, severity or duration, or if they need a higher dose of nitroglycerin or pain does not stop within 15 minutes.

The best prevention is to influence the risk factors that may change. This is related to smoking cessation, weight loss (if it is increased), and control of blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar.
Some studies have shown that the influence of risk factors can prevent progression of coronary artery damage.Acetylsalicylic acid drugs such as nitrates (nitroglycerin), beta-blockers, calcium antagonists or others can be used to prevent angina and its mitigation.

Unstable angina pectoris

Pain or discomfort in the chest or around the chest area caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle, from stable angina, acute myocardial infarction and chest pain nesrĨane differ in shape, weight, frequency of symptoms and level of activity that accelerates the discomfort.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors
Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of unstable angina. Spasm of the coronary arteries causing angina in less than 10% of cases.
Narrowing of the coronary arteries can be hard enough to cause stable angina if exertion or stress, or may be such that it does not cause any symptoms.

In unstable angina, chest pain can occur during idle or may be an increase in severity, frequency or duration of pain at lower levels of activity. Myocardial infarction may be a history.
Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, MIXED, peripheral vascular disease, cardiomyopathy, and atherosclerosis can lead to angina pectoris.
The disease is more common in men. Risk factors include: smoking, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), the occurrence of coronary heart disease in the family, lack of physical activity, and increased body weight (30% higher than the ideal).

Occasionally, sudden stress can accelerate the onset angina.
Unstable angina occurs in approximately 6 of 10,000 people.

pain or discomfort in the chest or near the chest under the sternum can be spread to the shoulder, arm, jaw, neck, back or other areas, and is often described as tightness, pressure, pressure, burning, choking, pain;
pain is not exactly localized;
the pain may occur at rest
Pain may be new.
If there is stable angina, unstable angina development can be seen by the change in the properties, the frequency or severity. It can also be seen in the increased use of nitroglycerin.

Signs and tests
The physical examination can detect changes in blood pressure. There may be transient heart murmur or arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).
ECG changes that occur with pain, and sleep mode often helps in diagnosis.
Often the need to do CT images of the heart or coronary angiography (show blood vessels with contrast).

This is a serious health condition that requires hospitalization. The goals of treatment are to reduce symptoms and prevent complications.
In the case of chest pain, bed rest is recommended.
During the attack angioznog given aspirin, heparin and nitroglycerin (often intravenously). Other medications include beta-blockers, calcium antagonists and anxiolytic drugs, and are applied to control blood pressure and disturbed heart rhythm.
Some patients required surgical treatment: incorporation of aorto-coronary bypass or spread narrowed blood vessels by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.

The outcome of the disease varies and depends on many factors, one of them is the weight of damaged coronary arteries. There may be a myocardial infarction, arrhythmia or sudden death.

acute myocardial infarction
Sudden death due to lethal arrhythmia
Seeking medical treatment
Call the doctor if you develop chest pain is unknown, if you change the properties of angina attacks, frequency, severity or duration, or if they need a higher dose of nitroglycerin or pain does not stop within 15 to 20 minutes.

The best prevention is to influence the risk factors that may change. This is related to smoking cessation, weight loss (if it is increased), and control of blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar.
Some studies have shown that the influence of risk factors can prevent progression of coronary artery damage.Acetylsalicylic acid drugs such as nitrates (nitroglycerin), beta-blockers, calcium antagonists or others can be used to prevent angina and its mitigation.

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