Angina pectoris is not a disease itself, but is also known as pain arising when the muscular wall of the heart temporarily run out of oxygen. Coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood, they can usually meet the increased need, but the limited ability of coronary arteries in patients with coronary sclerosis and high blood pressure, or in people who have, which is rarely, heart failure or anemia. In such circumstances, the supply of oxygen to the heart may be sufficient for some activities, but when insufficient physical activity - and sometimes large differences in temperature or a high need for excitement increases beyond a certain threshold. When man ceases to engage in other activities, the demand for oxygen and decreases the pain disappear.
Symptoms of angina pectoris
The main symptom is pain in the center of the chest. The pain may spread to the throat and upper jaw and the back of the hands (usually the left). They are blunt, horrible pains that suffocate, and occur during typical physical activities and disappear after the activity. Pain can occur less often in the hands, wrists or neck, but angina will easily recognize if you find that the pains intensify whenever you are unusually active or excited, and disappear after the activity or when the excitement has passed. Additional symptoms that often accompany pain include difficulty breathing, sweating, nausea and dizziness.
The incidence of angina pectoris
Angina pectoris is a common, although there are no precise data, since many do not pay a doctor because these symptoms, a patient usually does not stay in the hospital. In men it usually occurs after 30 years and almost always the result of coronary sclerosis. It seems that angina in women occurs later, though, as with men, the most common cause of coronary sclerosis, other causes are more common in women than in men. Heavy smokers or overweight people are more prone to angina pectoris.
The dangers of angina pectoris
Because the symptoms of angina pectoris before, but the disease, the danger posed by the condition that causes angina pectoris. Heart can be left without oxygen to the extent that there is a risk of a heart attack. In time, can cause angina pectoris harmless causes, and it may take longer. In this case, the patient is forced to all passive life. Unfortunately, there is evidence that passive way of life even further gives rise to angina pectoris during an activity or excitement, so the "victim" trapped in a vicious circle.
What to do?
If you think you have angina attacks, consult a physician. Some causes can be corrected with drugs, the doctor will give you a means of relief. Consult a doctor if pain lasts longer than 5 minutes after cessation of activity or if the frequency and length of seizures rapidly increase.
After examination the doctor will probably take a blood sample to detect a thyroid disorder, anemia or other possible causes of chest pain. It is recommended to examine the content of lipids (fats) in the blood, in which case you must remove the blood in the morning on an empty stomach.
Urine examination shall be established if you have diabetes (diabetic are more prone to heart disease).Hospital diagnostic tests, which may also be necessary, include chest x-ray, electrocardiogram (ECG) and coronary arteriogram. While the X-ray and ECG are often part of the normal procedure for evaluation of heart disease, arteriogram is usually recorded only if the doctor suspects (based on the results of others, not so complex search) that is quite advanced coronary sclerosis.
X-ray will examine the signs of cardiac effort, for example. enlarged heart. ECG will measure the electrical impulses that pass through the heart in order to confirm whether the pain actually occur because of angina pectoris. ECG will also show how much of the heart is affected by coronary sclerosis. Arteriogram, which requires injection of contrast material (dye) into the bloodstream, and then X-ray of the coronary arteries, will show exactly where the place of the arteries are narrowed or blocked.
Treatment of angina pectoris
Self-help: If you smoke, stop smoking or reduce the amount of cigarettes as much as possible. If you are overweight, follow the reasonable child (of 1000 kilocalories or
41 868 kJ a day is ideal). No, do not let angina pectoris, you should not reduce physical activity, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. You will quickly learn that the permitted limit your physical activity. Relax, especially when driving a car. In some communities there are local clubs for self-protection from excessive weight.
Professional help: If (and when) to establish the underlying cause of angina, your doctor will treat the disease, and angina will disappear if treatment fails. However, a frequent cause of coronary sclerosis and the doctor will focus attention to the fact that it does not deteriorate, and to facilitate the obstacles and difficulties which it creates itself angina pectoris.
There are many medications that will temporarily increase the supply of blood to the heart muscle. It is important to take exactly the doctor's instructions. These medicines are usually given in a pill, a doctor will probably advise you to dissolve the tablet under the tongue at the moment when he begins the onset of angina pectoris. If you know that an activity, for example. climbing stairs in your office, always triggers of angina pectoris rather take a pill before, not waiting for the onset of chest pain. If you're stressed, you may need to take the sedative.
Unpleasant side effects of pills that dissolve under the tongue, is often a headache. A headache is usually mild, and should not be a reason for discontinuation of therapy. If you head really hurts after taking whole tablets and broke it, and put under the tongue of only pills.
Among other assets, which are used to control angina, doctors usually prescribe a group of funds called beta adrenergic blocking
agents or, abbreviated, beta-blockers. Beta blockers reduce the heart's need for oxygen slowing the heart rate.Lack of funds is that they must be taken exactly as your doctor's instruction, because excessive doses can cause dizziness, fainting or other side effects. You should never suddenly stop taking these funds, the dose should be reduced gradually. In certain circumstances, your doctor may not even be given, for example. If you have asthma. Keep the instructions of self that we recommend them to you, and you will reduce the need for medication.
Most patients did not require surgery (and not from him or had used). But if angina pectoris, caused by aortic stenosis, your doctor may recommend a replacement heart valve. If the cause of coronary sclerosis, your doctor may recommend surgery if they have blocked many parts of the network of coronary arteries or if angina pectoris can not be controlled by medication. Surgery (bypass) coronary artery - usually significantly reduces the symptoms but not cure the underlying causes of coronary sclerosis, which may later expand to other arteries.
Long-term prospects
Forecasts are much better than is generally thought. If your doctor has just diagnosed with angina pectoris, otherwise you're healthy, you have 50% seems to call for another 10 to 12 years, but pretty good chance that I may live much longer.
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