A healthy lifestyle prevents atherosclerosis, the most common blood vessel disease
With half an hour of fast walking a day and a slight change in diet can do a lot for the health of your blood vessels, which is directly linked with heart health, brain and other organs. Cardiologist. K. Štambuk explains why there is a heart attack or stroke, and gives ten simple recommendations for prevention of vascular disease
Cardiovascular diseases, which cause about 50 percent of deaths in developed countries can be divided into diseases of the blood vessels of the heart, leading to heart attack and vascular disease of the brain, head and neck that can cause stroke, explained Dr. honey. K. Štambuk, internist cardiologist from the Sisters of Mercy University Hospital and assistant professor at the Medical University of Zagreb.
Prevention brings results
In developed countries lately slowly reduces the incidence of cardio-vascular diseases, and for that, says dr.Štambuk, performed meritorious good prevention. And she is either primary or secondary in the primary prevention of a healthy man is recommended not to smoke and eat fatty foods and that is increasingly moving to the disease would not have occurred, and the secondary - after the disease is diagnosed and treated - to comply similar but more stringent guidelines that the disease would not be returned or worsened.
As for the prevention of other healthy people. Štambuk recommended ten simple things that anyone could do for the health of your blood vessels and heart:
Every day, or at least 5 days per week, fast walk for half an hour
Avoid foods high in cholesterol, such as pork and dishes prepared on the grill
Use olive oil and flaxseed
At least three times a week to eat fish because it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids
At least 3 times a day, eat fruits and vegetables
Eat several small meals throughout the day
Do not smoke
Drink alcohol only in manjm quantities (preferably red wine)
Do dosoljavati food (due to pressure control)
Take it all regularly prescribed medication
Generally considered to be the best for a healthy heart Mediterranean diet.
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