Heart disease each year, causing 17.5 million deaths worldwide, and are the most common cause of death in our country.
Every hour a resident of Croatia dies of sudden cardiac death, and this health problem year 9000 kill Croats!
The leading cause of death from cardiovascular disease more than 26,000 deaths (52.8 percent), of whom more than 18,000 people have died exclusively due to heart disease.
Director of Education Institute of the Presbyterian Hospital in the heart of New York et al. Holly Anderson has offered five tips to influence the reduction in risk of heart disease. A small but fundamental change can save the life of their own!

Everyone should know the limits of what is normal to have pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides.
If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it's time for a change! Walk at a brisk pace of 20 to 30 minutes a day several days a week. This way you can reduce your risk of premature death for more than 50 percent. Physical activity will reduce the pressure, improve cholesterol levels, reduce the impact of stress, Zeta better sleep, more time remembering things and prevent memory loss.
Perhaps strange Cardiology guidelines, but laughter is indeed the best medicine. Only 15 minutes of laughter can have the same effect for cardiovascular health as well as a half-hour of aerobic exercise.
Also, research has shown that laughter is associated with a reduced sensation of pain and anxiety, and increased levels of hormones that enhance our mood.
What matters is the structure
Sometimes it is more important than the number of kilograms of inches around your waist. The volume of the abdomen at the waist is taken as a risk factor for heart disease prediction. Waist circumference is a better measure of overall health because the fat that stockpile in the region directly linked with high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and increased risk of developing diabetes.
Good night's sleep because the lack of quality sleep increases blood pressure, it makes us nervous, increases stress, appetite, metabolism slows and bad effect on our mood.
Before going to sleep well ventilate the room, even in winter, making sure to remove all distractions - books, newspapers, television and mobile phones. The bedroom is for - sleeping!
information about health and healthy diet you can find on:
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