Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to save your heart?

Every day we can do something good for our heart, when it so tirelessly work for us. 

Today I'll talk a little bit about small changes in lifestyle habits that can save your heart.

Regular meals, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lower alcohol intake and smoking cessation are key issues for the health of your heart.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the leading cause of death in the modern world. Because heart disease can have a stroke, and pulmonary thrombosis. Arrhythmias are harmless thing. If you sometimes feel the pounding and irregular heartbeat go and look for  medical help.

The biggest danger for your heart is obesity. When you combine it with elevated blood lipids, smoking, physical inactivity, high blood pressure and stress, your body becomes a ticking time bomb.

Obesity causes diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Cigarette smoking increases the risk for heart attack and worsen disease that already exists. When you stop smoking the risk of heart attack is reduced by 50%.

A healthy diet is important for a healthy heart. Eat regular, small meals, five times a day. Every day, eat fruits and vegetables. Do not eat the fruit you are used to. Make some changes.

Use olive oil instead of sunflower and soybean oils. Eat nuts. Almonds are very healthy for your heart.
Eat more whole grains and legumes, and various proteins. Reduce the use of pork and beef. Eat more fish, seafood and poultry without skin.
Do not discard the milk and dairy products, but choose one with less fat.
Increase your intake of fiber. A great source of fiber oatmeal, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. Cut down on salt.
Have a sufficient amount of water. Adult man with moderate activity takes about 8 glasses of water a day, sometimes more.
Do not overdo it with coffee. Stop smoking and reduce your alcohol intake.
Rejoice in life, surround yourself with positive people, you are doing what you love and what makes you happy. Happy people are healthy people.

Do not forget that the source of all diseases, including cancer. Sort the priorities in your mind and do not be upset about insignificant things. Find activities for relaxation. Discover the secrets of meditation. Listen to the  music.
Live your life the way you want it. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Which foods are healthy for our heart?

A healthy diet is crucial to our health. Modern lifestyle threatens us every day because we eat too much and move too little. Proper nutrition and the regulation of body weight are key factors of recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. 

Remove excess weight as you can manage! Reduce the fat in the blood and move as much as you can!
Below are some tips on foods you must avoid if you do not want to experience a heart attack in the near future.

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Change your eating habits.
Reduce oxidative stress and blood pressure using less salty foods.
Reduce intake of animal fat.

The harmful fats are saturated fats that are high in cholesterol. One leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels. plaques shooting causing embolism and thrombosis. Heart and stroke are the results of this phenomenon.

For a healthy heart eating berries that protects the heart and contains healthy polyphenols. Drink red wine, the juice of red grapes and pomegranate.

Nuts are great for the heart and blood vessels, as they contain a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids.
Olive oil is liquid gold, because it prevents heart disease.

What foods are bad for our heart?
From your diet should eliminate:

  • Beef, pork, smoked meat, offal, sausages, bacon
  • Fast food (pizza, burgers)
  • Chips
  • White bread
  • Whole milk
  • Soft drinks
  • Full-fat cheeses

The foods you should eat for a healthy heart:

  • Fish and lean meats (veal, beef, chicken, turkey)
  • Beans, broccoli, Swiss chard
  • Olive oil
  • Lowfat cheese
  • Fruit
  • Pumpernickel bread
  • Milk with 1.5% fat
  • Kefir and low-fat yogurt
  • Red wine 1 to 2 cups per day
  • Nuts
Sometimes, especially when we are approaching the holidays it is hard to resist food that looks and smells fantastic. If you relax for a day, it will not do much damage to your body, but if it takes too long to relax cardiac, stroke and diabetes are inevitable in the future.
You are what you eat. Think of your health!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Little things for your heart

The heart is a magical organ that tirelessly works all his life and saved all of our sweet secret of which is the most beautiful love. Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Particular risk of developing heart problems are people who have a genetic predisposition, even if the water too hard smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, eat fatty and salty foods, are overweight, then had a heart attack a certain event. 

In everyday life should introduce small changes that will gradually day by day improve the health of your heart and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Reduce salt intake
Too much salt in the diet can cause problems with high blood pressure, which leads to damage of blood vessels in the body. Our diet contains much more salt than the amount recommended by contemporary researches.  If you think that you will solve the problem such as by removing the salt from the table, it is terribly mistaken. the largest amount of salt coming from stock purchased food such as salted meat, pasta, snacks and food from the restaurant. Enjoy cooking and a Dose daily amount of salt. Your heart will be very grateful.

Practice, practice, practice
In a healthy body, healthy mind! The heart is a muscle, and muscles develop with regular exercise. This condition is called and the matter is quite logical. Run, play basketball, tennis or basketball. Swimming is a great option for a physical, but also mental health. Running improves the health of the coronary blood vessels that feed your heart. Regular physical exercise reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Half an hour walking or jogging a day is enough. Regular physical exercise reduces the risk of cancer and bone diseases.

Chocolate is healthy for the heart
Good news for chocolate lovers, a fact that has a positive effect on the health of the heart and blood vessels. This applies to the dark chocolate, which effectively lowers blood pressure. Cocoa is healthy, contains antioxidants flavonols. Flavonols involved in the production of sodium oxide which relaxes and expands blood vessels. The result is a lowering of blood pressure. Enjoy dark chocolate, but do not overdo it!

Olive oil protects the red blood cells

Olive oil protects our red blood cells from damage. Cell damage is partly responsible for heart disease, heart attack and stroke, and red blood cells are posebnoo sensitive to oxidative damage because they are the main carriers of oxygen. Extra-virgin olive oil is valuable for your health. When you are preparing food with olive oil, be careful about the temperature. Excessive heat causes damage to the beneficial substances in olive oil. Best vraijanta that olive oil is used fresh in salads and pasta.

Turn up the music 

Music from the earliest times affect human mood, be the most beautiful emotions, relaxes and stimulates creativity. Music acts an anti-stress. Remember that stress is the biggest enemy of your health and a major cause of cancer, heart attack and stroke. Music participates in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate. Be careful what music you listen to fast aggressive tones raises blood pressure and heart rate. Classical music relaxes, lowers blood pressure and reduced heart rate.