Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency

Syndrome, disorders of blood circulation in vertebrobasilary - basilar system is defined almost half a century. Vertebral - basilar artery system with its branches supplying blood brain stem, cerebellum, occipital lobes and the temporal part of the hemisphere.

The cause of
The main causes of occlusive changes, most arteriosklerotske with thromboembolic changes (formation of aggregates of fibrin and platelets to complicated plaques, and their firing embolism of small blood vessels). In addition, you could be hypotension (low blood pressure), poor collateral circulation of the brain, neck rotation with compression of vertebral arteries in cervical spondylosis etc..

The clinical picture
Clinical syndrome vertebo - basilar (VB) failure are:

• Dizziness (vertigo) is the most common symptom of VB insufficiency. The patient has the impression that the cases revolve around him (objective vertigo) or sinking, falls (subjective vertigo). May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness.
• transient visual disturbances - flash, colors, parts outburst visual field hemianopia (half of visual field incidents), complete loss of vision. These disorders are due to ischemia in the posterior cerebral artery area
• ataxia (gait groggy)
• syncope (transient loss of consciousness), due to damage sinkopalnog reflex in the medulla oblongata
• "drop" Atacama - a sudden loss of strength in my legs and drop, without loss of consciousness due to ischemia pyramidal tract in the pons area
• diplopia (double vision)
• dysarthria (difficulty in pronunciation)
• transient cranial nerve damage
• transient deafness
• occipital headache
• transient global amnesia
• hemiparesis (paralysis of half the body)
• hemianestezija (loss of sense of touch in the middle of the body)
Sometimes one can see alternate side involvement, for example. in one attack - right-sided hemiparesis, in the second - dextral (seesaw phenomenon).

It is based on history, clinical, neurological examination, fundus examination, laboratory tests (blood lipids, blood glucose, hemorrheological test), ultrasound, scintigraphy, CT scan (scanner) or NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance).

Treatment of acute focal damage to one of the UK where failure is mainly aimed at the prevention of new attacks and ischemic stroke incidence complete. In the first place, we must fight against hypertension. The fight against smoking and alcohol may also contribute to the reduced number of patients. A healthy diet is an important factor in preventing vascular disease. It is primarily a food rich in fiber and vitamins (fruits, vegetables, herbaceous), food that relieves slow carbs and low fat foods of animal origin. Moderate physical (walking, working in the garden, etc.) and mental work are very useful.From medikamentaa be used in the prevention of vasoactive drugs, antiaggregational therapy (aspirin), calcium channel blockers. And where possible surgical treatment.

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