Heart disease, along with neoplasms, or tumors and lung disease, ie. respiratory system, the most massive "killer" of the population. Developed countries of the world proven "water" on the scale morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease despite their awareness of the health care and educational level, as a result of unhealthy lifestyles, especially intemperance in eating and drinking - the consumption of unhealthy food and drinks, and low physical activity High levels of stress.

1. Myocardial infarction is one of ischemic heart disease - that is to come out due to insufficient blood supply to tissues. It occurs as a result of blockage of the coronary artery blood clot or plaque arterosklerotskog broken off part of which are lined with blood vessels due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The result is a lack of physical activity, increased intake of salt, fat and sugar diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and addiction such as smoking and alcohol abuse and stress that occurs due to high blood pressure and releasing negative chemical compounds and cholesterol.
Physical activity reduces inflammatory markers in the body, along with other muscles, strengthens the heart muscle itself, regulate and reduce blood pressure and strengthens the entire body. Salt increases blood pressure, causes the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues and blood vessels and reduces the risk of a blockage and heart attack. Sugar can be converted and stored as fat, and fat is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and makes them all the ropes and neprohodnijima.
Addictions such as alcohol and cigarette smoke other than nicotine, which has more than 4000 harmful, toxic compounds, except the "little things" that make entering the toxic compounds that poison and kill the cells of your body increases blood pressure in full view.
Stop smoking immediately if you do, limit alcohol consumption to a glass of red wine after lunch, removing white flour and its products, animal fat, increase your intake of fatty blue fish, rich in omega 3 fatty acids and olive oil, sugar remove from service and replace by minute amounts of barley malt or honey, turn exercise into daily life, especially aerobic, cardio exercise, the type of fast walking or jogging.
Regular exercise is best to reduce stress while some with your own relaxation methods such as massage, aromatherapy, engaging in favorite hobbies, abide in the fresh air and the reduction of working hours per week.
2. Abnormalities of heart valves and cause damage to the heart sounds. There are several types of noises in the heart, namely: the sound of aortic stenosis, aortic insufficiency murmur, murmur of mitral insufficiency and mitral stenosis murmur. The largest number of cardiac damage caused by rheumatic fever zaslistaka, and it causes streptococcal toxin, and the existence of the remaining part is mostly innate. Damaged valves are treated with surgical operation, a doctor ill advised on diet and lifestyle after surgery.
3. Angina pectoris occurs due to narrowing or blockage of coronary arteries caused by atherosclerosis, and may occur as a result of anemia due to lack of oxygen due to aortic stenosis, arteritis, cardiac rhythm disturbances and the like. It is characterized by mild unpleasant feelings in the chest to a sharp, strong, unbearable pain. Appears mainly in the larger effort, and the frequency varies, increases or decreases.
Prevention of this disease in the djelovamju hypertension, proper diet, exercise, drugs and ultimately, prevention of anemia, eating foods rich in iron, controlling diabetes and preventing its occurrence supposedly, reduce elevated blood fats and its regulation of proper diet, particularly eating fat of vegetable origin and throwing burning food from the menu.
Control of thyroid also causes the early diagnosis of some thyroid diseases that are responsible for the occurrence of angina. Great importance is the prevention of further attacks, and surgical treatment of pre-existing condition.
4. Arrhythmia is an abnormal result of implementation of pulses, characterized by the appearance of a completely healthy heart. These are ektopički blows, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, and cause them psychological causes, disease or drugs. Arrhythmias may be tachycardia when the heart rate accelerated, or bradycardia when the heart rate slowed, and most often occurs during sleep. Normal tachycardia occurs due to physical exertion, increased arousal, stress, or fever.
Morbid conditions that cause arrhythmia in heart attack, angina pectoris, changes in the composition of the electrolyte, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hipoadrenalinizam, Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia. Drugs that cause arrhythmia, cardiac glycosides may be, or simpatolitika parasimpatomimetika. Arrhythmia may be atrial fibrillation, ventricular fibrillation, atrioventricular block, extrasystoles, paroxysmal tachycardia and Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome.
In the heart arrhythmias acts depending on the type, for example, beats can be harmless, they are usually caused by psychological or due to the effects of nicotine or caffeine, some are caused by a disturbed balance between electrolytes and such. lack of potassium or its excess, and some are caused by myocardial infarction or electric shock, and can only help electric shocks.
5th Congenital cardiac malformations are usually treated with surgery, or if less severe, respectively, are located on the right side of the heart where the pressure is less, it is possible to live with them. They were not affected by proper diet, or they can be completely cured with medication. Usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy if the mother has an infection in which it affects, and may appear later.
source: www.zdravosrce.blogspot.com
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