Heart, magical, mysterious heart and the center of the strongest muscle in our body. A unique and remarkable organ that never runs her own will, and it never stops beating even when we sleep.
Every day strikes heart beats about 100 000.
The average human heart is the size of a closed fist men but as we grow, and it grows, especially if worthwhile exercise or do some sport. Heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, which is why it is extremely important to maintain a healthy and strong heart.
The following are foods that are important for the health of your heart:
1 Fish - Fish is very beneficial for the body, because in addition to containing polyunsaturated fat, valuable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, anti-stress and improve concentration, it is also a rich source of important minerals. Saltwater fish is enriched with iodine, potassium, sodium and copper, while freshwater has less sodium and iodine. All types of fish contain vitamins from group B, valuable for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It is scientifically proven that the middle-aged and elderly who daily eat fish (especially oily fish, which is skimmed and enriched with omega-3 fatty acids) are less likely to develop diseases related to heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Therefore, in any case, good and desirable to include fish in a weekly meal plan, especially oily fish.
2 Fruit and Vegetables-frequent intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is very important to maintain the health of your heart. Apple is extremely rich in quercetin, which acts anti-inflammatory and prevents the formation of blood clots, and contains a lot of vitamins and fiber. There are also blueberries that are extremely healthy for the heart and circulatory system, avocados, which lowers the bad and raises the good cholesterol in the blood, contains healthy fats and helps in the absorption of beta-carotene and lycopene, which are essential for a healthy heart, tomato with rich vitamins and lycopene, and also lowers the risk of heart disease, along with other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.
3 Tofu - Foods rich in protein is always especially important to health, especially if you are looking for food that is good for your heart health. Yosha if you want food without a lot of fat and calories, it's tofu right choice range for you. Tofu is a food Javanese origin derived clotting protein from soy milk, rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, not to mention niacin and folate. For this reason, eating tofu examines the prevention of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Tofu has a mild flavor and is easily combined with other foods. Absorbs other flavors and odors and is therefore the possibility of using tofu in the daily diet is practically unlimited: from the preparation of a variety of spreads, dressings, salads and cold appetizers to main meals that include soups, cream soups, steaks, moussaka, stews and as well as a variety of desserts and sweets.
Tofu is also considered an adequate substitute for meat, milk and dairy products of animal origin.
4 Nuts - walnuts, almonds and other nuts contain healthy oils, vitamin E, and other substances that maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood. Almonds are also a great source of protein and natural fiber, considered to be the healthiest foods. Nuts are a great and healthy snack that makes your heart will be grateful.
5 Brown rice - rice in general, energy food, containing protide rich in essential amino acids and low in fat, and the membrane that surrounds, high in fiber, contains potassium, magnesium, selenium and manganese, as well as fatty acids and vitamins such as biotin to - Cocktail of B vitamins and vitamin B1, is essential for the health of the nervous system. But for heart health is more important though brown rice that gently but deeply calming and focusing the work, for the life of the essential organs.
6 Cereals - Cereals are rich in vitamins and natural fibers that contribute to maintaining the health of your heart. It is also good to consume and wholemeal pasta, which is healthier than the ordinary.
7 Oatmeal - degradable fibers, in addition to heart disease, the good and for the prevention of diabetes.It has been scientifically proven that eating these fibers at an early age reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, many cardiologists for heart health recommend oatmeal as it is rich in degradable fiber, which helps your heart, reducing the amount of bad LDL cholesterol.
However, it is not clarified how degradable fiber reduces LDL cholesterol in the blood, but it is speculated that this is a how to act like a sponge that absorbs cholesterol in the gut and then ejects it from the body together with the faeces. In addition to LDL cholesterol, biodegradable fibers can reduce the level of triglycerides, fats that are too dangerous for heart health.
8 Dark chocolate - it is scientifically proven that just a couple of squares of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, and the secret probably lies in the high level of cocoa. The researchers also found that, in the group of smokers who consumed 40 grams per day of dark chocolate, in a very short period of time established by improved function of the arteries as a result of high levels of cocoa in dark chocolate containing 74% cocoa and is also rich in antioxidants that prevent damage to the heart.
9 Legumes - are very healthy for the heart, particularly beans, especially black beans. Since more difficult to digest provides a feeling of satiety, but not recommended for food more than three times a week. Since it contains a lot of medicinal ingredients, and is rich in folic acid, a beneficial effect in the prevention of heart disease. Statistics show that people with a lack of folic acid are dying as a result of heart problems and even in 69% of cases, more than the control group. To ensure the normal amount of homocysteine in the blood, the recommended consumption of foods rich in folic acid. So be sure to incorporate beans into your weekly menu.
10th And as the icing always comes at the end, remember that red wine is healthy for your heart, but of course in moderation. Since ancient times, is a known fact that red wine is very good for the health of your heart. Alcohol and other ingredients of red wine may be beneficial in the prevention of cardiac disease in the way that alcohol, in moderation, proven increases levels of "good" HDL cholesterol levels, reduces the possibility of thrombosis and protect arteries from damage. Furthermore, the wine contains antioxidants and flavonoids, a substance called resveratrol, which has potential benefits for improving heart health. There is also a grape that contains antioxidants that act against free radicals and prevent cell damage. Also contains substances that protect blood vessels from damage, strengthen capillaries, prevent lipid oxidation and myocardial heart muscle. Some of the components of red grapes stabilized venous blood vessels and thus the risk of developing varicose veins and reduce the accumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls.
Every day strikes heart beats about 100 000.
The average human heart is the size of a closed fist men but as we grow, and it grows, especially if worthwhile exercise or do some sport. Heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, which is why it is extremely important to maintain a healthy and strong heart.
The following are foods that are important for the health of your heart:
1 Fish - Fish is very beneficial for the body, because in addition to containing polyunsaturated fat, valuable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, anti-stress and improve concentration, it is also a rich source of important minerals. Saltwater fish is enriched with iodine, potassium, sodium and copper, while freshwater has less sodium and iodine. All types of fish contain vitamins from group B, valuable for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It is scientifically proven that the middle-aged and elderly who daily eat fish (especially oily fish, which is skimmed and enriched with omega-3 fatty acids) are less likely to develop diseases related to heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Therefore, in any case, good and desirable to include fish in a weekly meal plan, especially oily fish.
2 Fruit and Vegetables-frequent intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is very important to maintain the health of your heart. Apple is extremely rich in quercetin, which acts anti-inflammatory and prevents the formation of blood clots, and contains a lot of vitamins and fiber. There are also blueberries that are extremely healthy for the heart and circulatory system, avocados, which lowers the bad and raises the good cholesterol in the blood, contains healthy fats and helps in the absorption of beta-carotene and lycopene, which are essential for a healthy heart, tomato with rich vitamins and lycopene, and also lowers the risk of heart disease, along with other fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.
3 Tofu - Foods rich in protein is always especially important to health, especially if you are looking for food that is good for your heart health. Yosha if you want food without a lot of fat and calories, it's tofu right choice range for you. Tofu is a food Javanese origin derived clotting protein from soy milk, rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, not to mention niacin and folate. For this reason, eating tofu examines the prevention of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Tofu has a mild flavor and is easily combined with other foods. Absorbs other flavors and odors and is therefore the possibility of using tofu in the daily diet is practically unlimited: from the preparation of a variety of spreads, dressings, salads and cold appetizers to main meals that include soups, cream soups, steaks, moussaka, stews and as well as a variety of desserts and sweets.
Tofu is also considered an adequate substitute for meat, milk and dairy products of animal origin.
4 Nuts - walnuts, almonds and other nuts contain healthy oils, vitamin E, and other substances that maintain healthy levels of cholesterol in the blood. Almonds are also a great source of protein and natural fiber, considered to be the healthiest foods. Nuts are a great and healthy snack that makes your heart will be grateful.
5 Brown rice - rice in general, energy food, containing protide rich in essential amino acids and low in fat, and the membrane that surrounds, high in fiber, contains potassium, magnesium, selenium and manganese, as well as fatty acids and vitamins such as biotin to - Cocktail of B vitamins and vitamin B1, is essential for the health of the nervous system. But for heart health is more important though brown rice that gently but deeply calming and focusing the work, for the life of the essential organs.
6 Cereals - Cereals are rich in vitamins and natural fibers that contribute to maintaining the health of your heart. It is also good to consume and wholemeal pasta, which is healthier than the ordinary.
7 Oatmeal - degradable fibers, in addition to heart disease, the good and for the prevention of diabetes.It has been scientifically proven that eating these fibers at an early age reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Therefore, many cardiologists for heart health recommend oatmeal as it is rich in degradable fiber, which helps your heart, reducing the amount of bad LDL cholesterol.
However, it is not clarified how degradable fiber reduces LDL cholesterol in the blood, but it is speculated that this is a how to act like a sponge that absorbs cholesterol in the gut and then ejects it from the body together with the faeces. In addition to LDL cholesterol, biodegradable fibers can reduce the level of triglycerides, fats that are too dangerous for heart health.
8 Dark chocolate - it is scientifically proven that just a couple of squares of dark chocolate a day can reduce the risk of heart disease, and the secret probably lies in the high level of cocoa. The researchers also found that, in the group of smokers who consumed 40 grams per day of dark chocolate, in a very short period of time established by improved function of the arteries as a result of high levels of cocoa in dark chocolate containing 74% cocoa and is also rich in antioxidants that prevent damage to the heart.
9 Legumes - are very healthy for the heart, particularly beans, especially black beans. Since more difficult to digest provides a feeling of satiety, but not recommended for food more than three times a week. Since it contains a lot of medicinal ingredients, and is rich in folic acid, a beneficial effect in the prevention of heart disease. Statistics show that people with a lack of folic acid are dying as a result of heart problems and even in 69% of cases, more than the control group. To ensure the normal amount of homocysteine in the blood, the recommended consumption of foods rich in folic acid. So be sure to incorporate beans into your weekly menu.
10th And as the icing always comes at the end, remember that red wine is healthy for your heart, but of course in moderation. Since ancient times, is a known fact that red wine is very good for the health of your heart. Alcohol and other ingredients of red wine may be beneficial in the prevention of cardiac disease in the way that alcohol, in moderation, proven increases levels of "good" HDL cholesterol levels, reduces the possibility of thrombosis and protect arteries from damage. Furthermore, the wine contains antioxidants and flavonoids, a substance called resveratrol, which has potential benefits for improving heart health. There is also a grape that contains antioxidants that act against free radicals and prevent cell damage. Also contains substances that protect blood vessels from damage, strengthen capillaries, prevent lipid oxidation and myocardial heart muscle. Some of the components of red grapes stabilized venous blood vessels and thus the risk of developing varicose veins and reduce the accumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls.